
There always seems to be something going on at Grace. All are welcome to join in any of the many opportunities for community, support and service throughout the week.

Alter Guild

This ministry at Grace Church is an extension of the priest’s liturgical responsibility to the parish community.  Altar Guild assignments are performed by dedicated women and men of the church.  They prepare the church and altars for worship; maintain vessels, vestments, altar linens and other church furnishings to use in worship; prepare the bread and wine used in worship service; and are also responsible for preparing the church for special occasions (weddings, baptisms, etc.)   Other special tasks are ordering and placing of flowers on the altars and throughout the church, and laundry of the linens used on the altars.  We have been able to keep the flower costs at $50.  The memorial flowers go to the donor and shut-ins who always appreciate being remembered by their church.  The use of the votive stand continues to increase yearly and the cost of the candles is covered by your donations when you light a candle.  The Sanctuary candle ($10) is given in memory of a person, event, or gratitude to God for something special or thanksgiving and burns for a full week. Most of the work of this ministry goes on quietly behind the scenes, but is a ministry of love undertaken in the name of Christ. For more information and to join this special ministry, please contact Carol Taitt or Susette Ceres.

Health Committee & Pastoral Care Guild

As Jesus taught us, I was sick and you took care of me, the Guild provides care for parishioners in need through visiting, prayer, note writing, telephoning, and other forms of reaching out.  It also provides a place of mutual support for all care-givers and seeks to empower parishioners to be present and helpful to people who are experiencing difficulty. A special project is the Walk with Us program every Saturday morning to encourage a healthy walk routine while enjoying the parks in our area.  Members contribute informational articles through the website and Happenings, our parish email newsletter. Grace Health Ministries will be provides transportation for anyone who needs a ride to and from medical appointments.  Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training sessions are offered once or twice a year.   Members bring the Eucharist and prayers to sick and shut-in parishioners. Through our faith, we believe in Jesus the Healer and members support the Eucharist with Service of Healing held every Wednesday at noon in All Saints Chapel.   Please contact The Rev. Deacon Ted Moore at or (973)214-0055.

Hospitality Guild

Hospitality is a central theme at Grace. Every coffee hour has a host, and large parish gatherings are organized, planned and catered by members of the parish. Greeters are a part of our Sunday worship in helping the newcomer or guest to Grace feel at home and welcomed. It would be a daunting task if not for teamwork. The Guild is a vibrant group that develops teams and themes for every event. Teams work together to create menus, cook, decorate, and of course, to clean up afterwards!  In keeping with our Vision and Mission statements, Grace Church has an established Integrity Circle.  Integrity is a nonprofit organization of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Episcopalians, sanctioned by the Episcopal Church.  Integrity and Grace Church open the doors to all who support a “community for all in the service of Jesus Christ”. It is not limited to only LGBT members.  Please contact  Brenda Loncke, chair of the Hospitality Committee and vice president of The Women of Grace.

Liturgical Guild

The Eucharistic Celebration is the main prayer service in our of parish life. While the priest and deacon have their specific role at every service, the people of the parish contribute as servers on the altar and ushers in the church.  The Crucifer leads procession by carrying the processional cross along with the Acolytes who carry a candle (called a “torch”) and by assisting at the altar.  By offering the chalice, Eucharistic Ministers assist the priest and deacon in the distribution of Holy Communion.  Lectors read The Lessons at services at the Sunday Eucharist and other times during the year and help lead the congregation in offering special prayers during the Sunday Eucharist.  Ushers welcome everyone and help guide newcomers for Sunday and special services. For information or to join, please contact for lectors and Eucharistic ministers Karen Moore at or (908)322-1754,  for ushers, Jason Algeo and for acolytes  Harry Watson.

Men’s Guild

The Men’s Guild provides a forum for fellowship, spiritual growth, personal learning and service. The Guild holds special events, assists in a variety of parish activates and perform preventive and emergency maintenance for the church and its grounds.  The Guild has donated to Grace events such as the Christmas Bazaar, cooked a Palm Sunday Breakfast, organizes an outing to the Somerset Patriots baseball game every summer, and meets on the last Thursday of every month as a social event to build relationship in the church and enjoy each other without a hammer and screwdriver in our hands.  If you are 18 years and older and are interested in the any of the items noted, please come and join our Guild.  We would love to welcome you!  Please contact Jason Algeo.

Women of Grace

The mission of The Women of Grace is to support each other and Grace Church with our various talents and gifts to serve, enjoy and prosper together. Our purpose is to create a clean, warm and friendly atmosphere in the name of Jesus, welcoming all who enter our church and giving a special sense of joy and hope to our children.  Regular meetings will be held on the fourth Sunday of every month following the 10:30 a.m. Eucharist, except when in conflict with other church functions. All women members of Grace Church, 18 years old and older,  Please contact Karen Moore at or (908)322-1754.